Tajine With Olives

Tajine With Olives

 Throughout the world, there are many unique Moroccan culinary recipes that are becoming more and more popular.

 Owing to its unique flavor and many benefits, it is now simple to learn about the customs and traditions of many different people in many facets of daily life, and Moroccan cuisine is among the most varied and well-known culinary genres.

 Tajine aux olives is the name of this Moroccan recipe. This dish is regarded as having one of the best flavors and delicious tastes.

 It also contains a fair amount of olives, which are highly valued for their nutritional content. This recipe works well for a meal and is very quick to prepare. for special events andof family gatherings.

You could try making this recipe to get a unique flavor.An using well-known Moroccan pottery.

Details about the plate

  • Sort of plate: Main plate list.
  • Difficulty: Easy to prepare.
  • Total time: It takes around an hour and a half to prepare the dish.
  • One hour is the preparation time.
  • Time required for cooking: It only takes a few minutes.
  • Repas: You can prepare five meals with this amount.

How to prepare the ingredients for the olive tajine

  • One kilogram of deviled green olives.
  • One kilogram of broken carottes. Half a kilogram of poultry. 
  • Sel, au goût.
  • Two cent grams of chopped onion pieces. One water tasse.
  • A half-cuillère with tomato sauce soup.
  • It is best not to use too much sauce so that the broth does not become too dark.
  • Black wine, your choice.
  • A small amount of white pepper, safran, paprika, and any other kind of spice can be added in the proper quantity.
  • Four cups with souped-up extra virgin olive oil.

The manner in which

  • The manner in whichPut the olives in a casserole, cover with water, and cook over medium heat until they burst.
  • After the olives are bouillies, drain them thoroughly until all the liquid has been removed, then set them aside.
  • Cut up the chicken, then thoroughly wash it with water, salt, and a little lemon juice. 
  • Transfer it to a casserole with a generous amount of extra virgin olive oil and place it on top of the heat source.
  • Add the onion wedges, chopped garlic, and the water to the chicken, and cook over medium heat for about fifteen minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through.
  • Pour les olives déshullées vers les ingrédients et laisser tout ce qui est sur le feu pendant about cinq minutes.
  • Add the salt, pepper, and your favorite spices, such as white pepper, paprika, safran, or any other kind, and thoroughly mix the ingredients.
  • Add the tomato sauce to the ingredients and stir until the ingredients are well combined.
  • Place the casserole in a serving dish and serve hot.


  • conseilIt is feasible to substitute black olives for green ones and combine an equal amount of each kind.
  • For this recipe, you can substitute chopped potatoes with quarters.

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